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美國Chatillon LG-030機械測力計
美國Chatillon LG-030機械測力計機械測力計甚至在Z大極限負載時,依然可以輕易地手動安裝靈活堅固的夾具。可安裝到測試台,由此可在重複多次的測試應用中實現更佳控製,得到*的結果。 拉斷線纜和軟管,並記錄必要的Z大拉力。可用於開關測試或者安裝在測試支架上檢測激活刹車所必須的壓力。
美國Chatillon LG-030機械測力計的詳細資料
美國Chatillon LG-030機械測力計
LG 係列是一套出色而經濟的解決方案,於拉伸或壓縮測試。這些機械測力計具有 2.25 英寸刻度盤,甚至在上限極限負載時,依然可以輕易地手動安裝靈活堅固的夾具。
LG 係列主要特色:美國Chatillon LG-030機械測力計
- 三種分度單位(磅力、千克力和牛)
- 真正安全
- 峰值開關
LG Series Mechanical Force Gauge
The CHATILLON® LG Series mechanical force gauge is ideal for a wide range of force testing applications. Based on our popular DPP Series force gauge, the LG Series features a larger, 2.25-inch dial for improved resolution and readability, peak hold button, ergonomic shape and improved accuracy of +0.5% of full scale. The LG gauge is an excellent, economical solution for tensile or compression testing.
The durable, plastic housing fits naturally in the hand for a comfortable and firm grip even at maximum loads. Gauges may be mounted to a test stand for even greater control and consistent results in repetitive testing applications. Easy to read concentric dial measures clockwise only. Dial rotates 360-degrees for taring. A peak hold button captures peak readings and can be easily and quickly returned to zero. A mechanical overload feature protects the gauge from damage. Available in lbf, kgf or N units of measure. LG Series gauges come complete with protective carrying case and a set of stainless steel attachments.
A Certificate of Calibration with Data is supplied standard.
Features 美國Chatillon LG-030機械測力計
n Three Graduation Styles
- Newtons
n Tensile (Pull) and Compression (Push) Testing
n Peak Load Switch
n Tare Ring
n Intrinsically Safe
n NIST Calibration with Data
n 2 Year Warranty
Accuracy: +0.5% of Full Scale
Overload Capacity: 110% of Rated Capacity
Maximum Overload: 150% of Rated Capacity
Tare Capacity: 10% of Rated Capacity
Dial Resolution: 0.5% of Full Scale
Deflection (Full Scale): 10mm (.394 inches)
Operating Temperature: 40°F to 110°F
5°C to 45°C
Instrument Weight: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Shipping Weight: 8.4 lbs (3.80 kg)
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